What A Good Christian Book Is

H.K. Holland
3 min readMay 10, 2022

It brings about life changes

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

A friend once told me there is nothing like Christian books. It is just books written by Christians. Books cannot be Christian. Very confusing statement, but I think you know what I mean.

A long time ago, when Dr. Myles Munroe was still alive, he once shared how most “Christian books” are so boring. And Christians laughed. But he was right. You know how most say something and quote a Bible verse, and say nothing about the Bible verse? That’s more like most of these books.

If your book is filled with unexplained Bible verses, why write it? It is the same as going to read the Bible for myself. I think.

A good Christian book is the same as a good Christian preacher.

Changes the way you view life

I see a lot of articles here in the field of Christianity, but I don’t know what to make of them. Most of them are life experiences. I don’t know whether it is due to the fact that we live in the age of social media that I don’t remember a lot of things I read on the Internet.

Sometimes I read something, and I get to know so-and-so is such a good writer. But their articles do not improve my life. They simply entertain me. But a good Christian book changes the way I interact with my God, and the way I view…

